Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pernice Brothers - Monkey Suit

I like the "Brothers" bands. I'm in a "Brothers" band -- The Sleeping Brothers.

I was almost certain I bought the Pernice Brothers' album "Overcome by Happiness" in Wilmington when I was living down in Calabash, NC. But I see it was released in '98 (I'd moved back to NY in Fall of '97). I swear I can remember buying it at CD Alley... Guess not. No reason to belabor the point. Must've got it at Music Arcade on Old Country Road (pretty sure it was after Titus Oaks' had closed). The guy who worked the counter at Music Arcade was a huge Guided by Voices fan, if that's the store I'm thinking of. Our friend Tom made a disparaging remark to him about Bob Mould, I recall.

Anyway, sometime, somewhere in '98, I picked up Overcome by Happiness, either because I'd read something about them or there was a sticker on the CD saying how it was the guys from Scud Mountain Boys.

Maybe I was back visiting Carolina in '98 when I bought it... God, it's such a great album. I still listen to it fairly regularly. Joe Pernice, now an author as well, is phenomenally talented, but his music still comes off like the guy next door who records in his basement and plays a few local gigs on Thursday nights.

I chose "Monkey Suit" because it's about work; my job, I'm certain.

Someone's rattling on my monkey cage all day
While I peck away the ant hill numbers
Peck away my best years

Don't want to live inside it
Don't want to waste it dreaming
Don't let me disappear
Inside this monkey suit that I'm wearing

Thank Christ! for this kind of music, for these words. Music is everything religion strives to but cannot be (I guess that's why there's so much music at mass).

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